Piecing My Journey Together

Hi, I’m Nikki Bose. In my early 30s, I was living in the UK, working at a job I was pretty good at and generally enjoyed. Getting to this point in my life required lots of hard work and education (BA in archeology from SFU and a post graduate diploma in Museum Conservation). Even though I should have been enjoying my success, something still felt off. I had an opportunity to return to Canada, to what I thought was a dream job. I was really hoping that this change would be the magic fix to soothe the discontent that I felt.

I got into the groove with this new job and had many successes. I was good at it, but something was still missing.

After grinding away for a few more years, thinking maybe if I just pushed a bit harder things would click into place, it hit me – I was burnt out. I'd often thought that the stress I felt was because of a co-worker, or maybe a tough project, or perhaps management. I started to realize that it wasn’t these external situations that were causing my general unhappiness. That’s when I dived into the whole personal development world.

I tried a bunch of stuff: books, podcasts, essential oils, crystals, workshops, and those online quizzes that tell you about yourself. Some of these things helped a bit, but none felt like the answer to what I was seeking.

 Feeling down, I thought therapy could help. The therapist told me I was doing fine and was just being too hard on myself. Leaving that office with no resources, I felt even more lost. I knew feeling like this wasn't right, so I kept digging, searching for something out there that'd help me to feel more excited about my life.

Looking back, the real shift for me was subtle. It happened gradually.

3 things kept popping up everywhere:

  • understanding your core values

  • the power of journaling

  • and this thing called shadow work

 I came across Jungian Life Coaching and immediately fell in love as it encompasses these 3 keys of transformation. This approach made a huge impact on what I was experiencing in my life. Jungian coaching emphasizes the process of individuation, which Jung described as a journey toward becoming the most complete and authentic version of oneself. This can involve integrating aspects of the unconscious into conscious awareness.


Things started to become clearer for me. I began to see the difference between what I truly valued and what others expected of me. I spotted my hang-ups, understood where I was getting stuck, and felt... well, more complete.


The best part? I’ve learned so much as I have become more masterful on my journey. Now I use these tools and insights to help people (like you) experience the type of changes that transformed how I was living. And I’m stoked to share these tools with you, to help you deal with the challenges in your life. Every challenge is a chance to learn more about yourself.

“Who looks outside dreams

who looks inside awakens”

— Carl Jung

I hope you will join me on this journey of self discovery, as it is profoundly rewarding!

view from the KVR looking over the land towards Kelowna

Land Acknowledgement

I acknowledge that I am an uninvited guest on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded lands of the Syilx Okanagan peoples. I am grateful that I get to live in the beautiful Okanagan Valley and I am actively working to cultivate a relationship with the land, and plants and animals it sustains. My intentions are to shift my world view of the land and my responsibility to it. To see it not an inanimate object to be owned, but as a living spiritual entity that is in direct relationship with humanity. This land acknowledgement is a small reminder to myself that changes or shifts in our beliefs are necessary for our personal growth and the growth of the collective unconscious.