“Who looks outside, dreams

Who looks inside, awakens”

— Carl Jung

coming soon


Third Space Café

1708 Dolphin Ave, Kelowna

Free to attend

Shadow Work Meet up

Are you looking for some support on your shadow work journey? Join us for this informal gathering of individuals who have all taken up the call to look inwards. Please bring a journal and pen to write down insights that come up for you during the gathering. Sharing is encouraged but not mandatory.

Each meeting will have a theme and be loosely structured. Topics may include: triggers, books and tools, integration activities, dream work, mythology, etc. Feel free to suggest a topic you would like to dive into. There will be a journal prompt given and time to journal during the meeting.

Coming Soon

Introduction to Shadow Work

Join me for an Introduction to Shadow Work workshop.

Shadow work is a form of self reflection that uncovers the parts of yourself that you unconsciously keep hidden. By digging into these unconscious parts of ourselves we can unlock fears that are keeping you stuck in patterns and preventing you from reaching your full potential.

In the first half of the workshop we will discuss different definitions and how our ego creates our persona, the face that we show to the world, and our shadow, the aspects of ourselves that we hide from our self and others. By looking at these two parts with on open and curious mind we are able to consciously decide who we are and how we are going to show up in the world.

In the second half of the workshop Nikki will walk you through a shadow session and a visualization to help you process the shadow and messages that are coming up from your unconscious.

Please bring a pen and paper or tablet to write down what comes up for you.


Turning Triggers into Teachers

There is not a day that goes by where we are not triggered. You can let these triggers ruin your day or you can learn to bring awareness to them and hear the lesions they are trying to teach you about your own inner workings.

In this interactive workshop we will talk about what triggers are, where they come from, and how they are our best teachers. In the second half of the workshop you will be lead through the process of examining a trigger and learn how to question it with a curious and open mind. We will then do a visualization to help you work with the emotions that come up with the trigger.

There will be time to journal and process what comes up for you, as well as lots of space for questions.

If you are interested in doing shadow work or are already doing shadow work but feeling a like you can’t get deep enough into a trigger then this workshop is for you. Learning to listen to our bodies is often very difficult as we were often told to suppress and ignore these feelings. By engaging with the emotions that arise during a triggering event you will be better able to understand your inner world and move through your current struggles and let go of your past traumas.

The workshop is in Person at Our Yoga Space from 1-3pm. Please bring a cushion to sit on, some water, and a journal record what comes up for you.


Shadow Work and Goals Workshop

In the first half of the workshop we will discuss goals, what they are and how we choose them. You will be guided to look at your Ego’s role in setting goals and how to approach your goals from a different angle. By swapping your goal from an external result to an internal feeling, you will be able to let go of attachments to the material world and open yourself to unlimited potential.

In the second half of the workshop Nikki will walk you through some goal setting questions so you can start to tease apart your goals and understand what is motivating you. There will be lots of time for questions and self reflection, and sharing (only if you feel called to do so).